Monday, February 7, 2011

A self inspired photography project

I was walking home from work one day and I was noticing that every mailbox had it's own character. I remember someone once showed me a collection of park benches that they had photographed around the world, so I thought I'd do my own collection just on the 8 minute walk to work from my house....

They come in camo...

 Or just plain camouflaged

 Some look like birdhouses.

 Or are just metal boxes.

 Or metal holes.

 Sometimes the mail is just put on the ledge....

 This seems to be the most standard, the top is for mail and the bottom for rolled up magazines or newspapers.

They've got hats.

 Or noses. The owners must be away or have a good sense of humour, because it had a nose when I walked by a few days previous.

 Brick post.

 Then I got angry and did a super hulk punch and tore them a new mailbox....

 Sometimes they're shy...awwww.

 This one used to be a ballet dancer, but her partner dropped her.

 This one still is a ballet dancer :)

Everyone put in your ideas for the next photo exhibit! What would you like to see a lot of pictures of?

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