Monday, April 25, 2011

An ode to Melbourne

Sometimes I ask myself, "what AM I doing with my life." There are days where I do what some people would consider nothing. Today I woke up and wrote in my journal, went and sat in the sun to eat breakfast, called my best friend and talked for 3 hours, played my ukulele in the park, read my book, and watched a movie. I feel guilty about it at times, like I'm not improving the world and that is what I'm supposed to do with every minute! But my friend reminded me of all the amazing things I HAVE done despite these lazy Sundays, when it's really a Tuesday :)
So I'm thinking as I spend my last couple of days here in Melbourne, what have I gotten out of these past 3 months, besides finishing my university degree of course! And I looked around the back yard and came up with a few things...
I made friends with this silly cat who stalks invisible things in the backyard and despite taking himself so seriously, he has a silly disney character and a bell hanging from his collar.

I realized how much I love hanging laundry in the sunshine.

I found out I could actually grow my own food!

I experienced the joy of finding a vegetable that I had not yet discovered because it was hiding amongst the leaves trying to grow big enough to impress me ;)

I now know what an artichoke looks like once it  blooms. 

I read heaps of books.

In the end I know my ukulele is always there for me no matter how much I neglect it.

So despite looking like I'm doing nothing, I have actually accomplished heaps. It feels like a lot less is happening when you're stationary in a foreign place. There are lots of other things I've learned about that I can't take pictures of, such as relationships and not being afraid of the dark and entertaining myself, things I won't even know until I use them later. So despite the doubt that invades my mind from time to time, when I say to myself, 'wahhhhtt am I doing with my life?' I know that I'm in the right place. My life is giving me a sense of confidence in my abilities and who I am. Every day I feel challenged and I must often rely on the friendship of strangers, and sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy in my head because I don't have anyone to talk to. 

So yeah that's me.


  1. You are doing just fine my amazing daughter. Have a great trip to Tazzieland and good luck on your exam tomorrow.

    I love you,

  2. university degree, huge check
    reading bunches, another check (everyone needs a rhyming dictionary)
    growing food (its just getting warm enough for the garden in Canada), double check

    keep doing what you are doing my dear. Plus, there is sweet pleasure in just "being"

    beautiful post
    -- W
